🖥️ I am currently a Lecturer in Computer Science within the Department of Computer Science at Brunel University of London. 🎓 I completed my PhD at King’s College London in 2019.
📝 Ayad, L. A. K., Loukides, G., & Pissis, S. P. (2024). Text Indexing for Long Patterns using Locally Consistent Anchors. URL
📝 Ayad, L. A. K., Loukides, G., & Pissis, S. P. (2023). Text Indexing for Long Patterns: Anchors are All you Need. Proc. VLDB Endow., 16(9), 2117–2131. DOI
Conference Chairing
Programme Committees
Organising Committees
Paper Reviews
Guest Editing
LSD & LAW 2019 special issue for the journal of Theoretical Computer Science.
Grants and Awards
🥇 2024: Brunel University Mid and Early Career Academic Research Support Scheme.
🥇 2023: The London Mathematical Society - Conference Grants.
🥇 2022: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Distinction).
🥇 2021: Brunel University Research Seminar Series Awards 2021-2022.
🥇 2019: The London Mathematical Society - Computer Science Small Grants.
🥇 2017: Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
🥇 2016-2017: Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award - King’s College London (Undergraduate).
🥇 2015-2019: Doctoral Training Account studentship awarded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).